Project Overview
One of our core competencies is developing line extensions based on refreshed packaging and marketing material to accompany Sleeman’s incredible portfolio of delicious beers. Sleeman believes that Canadians deserve a better beer, and we think that their brand deserves better too.
Print Production
In a race against time, Rayment and Collins were tasked with creating faux production mock-up cans and bottles for one of Sleeman’s newest TV spots. – Here’s to craftier thinking campaign. Our teams were brought together to expand the creative onto various packaging sizes, promotional material for on/off-premise, and social media content.
To ensure quality control in the pressurized time, we printed and mocked up the cans and bottles by hand and all in-house! The material was created and shipped to Europe right in time to meet the commercial’s production schedule.
The updated design layout also creates a new visual language and architecture that fits Sleeman’s wide range of beer categories.
- Printing
- Package Design
- Commercial Material
- Social Media Content